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Everyone knows that fruit is healthy for your body, but what do you actually know about fruit?
We have listed the fruit facts that you probably didn't know yet! Did you know…
blueberries have the most fiber of any fruit?
the apple is the most popular fruit?
strawberries are good for heart and blood vessels and blood pressure?
eating raspberries is good for your skin and can relieve asthma, hay fever and eczema?
grapes contain a lot of vitamins B and C?
the kiwi originates from China?
fruit is low in energy, but can still give you a lot of work energy?
there are more than 7000 different varieties of apple?
it is better to eat fruit instead of drinking juice? Sugars are often added to juice to make the taste nice. A good substitute for juice is a fresh, homemade smoothie.
fruit can contribute to your resistance? When you get enough vitamin C, it can help you to maintain your resistance.
the skin is often the best part of the fruit? In many fruits, a high percentage of the nutrition is stored in the skin.
you can hardly get fat from eating fruit?
an apple can give you more energy than a cup of coffee? Thanks to its high carbohydrate, vitamin and mineral content, an apple can provide a constant supply of nutrition to keep you energized throughout the day.
bananas ripen faster if you add a kiwi?
pears ripen faster if you add a ripe apple?
Are apples good for your teeth?
fruit can help against feeling faint after exercise?
you have less chance of cardiovascular disease if you eat enough fruit?
Apricots contain a lot of provitamin A in addition to vitamin E? This is an antioxidant that protects the body against various types of cancer and contributes to healthy skin.
do apricots have a beneficial effect on your blood pressure?
pears have a certain acidity with which they protect our body against infections?
pears can help with bad cholesterol?
Are apples good for Alzheimer's? At NY University Cornell they have discovered that the antioxidant quercitin protects brain cells.
kiwis contain a lot of vitamin C?
grapes contain a lot of dietary fiber and potassium?
picking your own fruit not only provides you with tasty fruit, but also provides vitamin D because you are busy outside?
fruit satisfies your appetite faster than a croquette? Fiber makes you feel full faster. Fatty foods have the disadvantage that you only feel full later on, so that you quickly eat too much.
fruit according to the Nutrition Center helps against certain chronic diseases?
fruits hydrate you well? Most fruit contains 80% moisture.
walnut trees give off a scent that repels mosquitoes and flies?